Alumnae Programs
A Clear Vision of Life
A program by alumnae, for alumnae. A Clear Vision of Life: The Wellbeing Program is built to engage you, Alpha Xi Delta alumnae, and encourage your personal development. Based on the book, Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements by Tom Rath and Jim Harter, you are encouraged to review “Challenges” related to each of the five elements of wellbeing: Purpose, Community, Financial, Physical and Social.

New Wellbeing Challenges will be released in February, April, June, August, October and December.
Click on the Wellbeing element listed below for the challenge associated with that topic. Follow the instructions on the page for the challenge and how to report your participation.

Report and Win!
Each time you complete a Wellbeing Challenge, be sure to fill out a short survey that is included at the bottom of each Challenge page. There is one prize per Challenge, so if you complete all five Challenges each time around, you have the chance to win five different prizes!
Please note that A Clear Vision of Life: The Wellbeing Program is intended to be a fun and informational way to improve your personal Wellbeing across five areas of life. Any advice, recommendations, tips, and activities should be utilized at your own discretion and any lifestyle changes should be addressed first by a medical professional. A Clear Vision of Life: The Wellbeing Program is an educational program specifically designed for Alpha Xi Delta alumnae based on the book, “Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements” by Tom Rath and Jim Harter. While participation is not contingent on reading the book—the book is an excellent way to further understand and develop your personal wellbeing. Each book purchase comes with a free code to take the online Wellbeing Finder assessment. You can purchase your book at any major book seller, however we encourage you to order (or download to your Kindle) through the Amazon Smile program. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your book to the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation if you visit and select the Alpha Xi Delta Foundation as your charitable organization.