NHC and OmegaFi Billing

The National Housing Corporation (NHC) works with OmegaFi to manage all housing-related fees for National Housing Corporation managed properties. Below are some of our most frequently asked questions and topics related to chapter housing billing. If you have any questions or issues regarding your NHC account or statements, please contact properties@alphaxidelta.org and include the member’s full name and university. Any chapter related questions and issues should be directed to chapter officers.

How do I access my chapter and NHC OmegaFi accounts?
All members of NHC-managed chapters have both a chapter and NHC account in Exclusively Xi (including members who live out of the house or members of unhoused chapters). You can access both your chapter and NHC accounts using your Exclusively Xi login credentials at www.omegafi.com. You will see a drop-down list at the top of your Exclusively Xi account with the option to select your chapter or NHC account. Simply select the chapter or NHC in the drop-down list to access your separate account balance and statements.

What do I do if I am having issues accessing my NHC account?
If you do not see an option for your NHC account in the drop-down list, this is most likely the result of having two different email addresses linked to your accounts. Please follow these steps to merge your accounts. If you still have login issues after merging your accounts, please contact OmegaFi directly at loginsupport@omegafi.com for assistance. Please include your full name, university, chapter, and email address linked to your OmegaFi account.

How do I add a parent/guardian to my NHC account?
Even if your parent/guardian is already linked to your chapter account, they will also need to be separately added to your NHC account. Please follow these steps if you need to give a parent/guardian access to your NHC account.

Are there automatic payment options?
Automatic payment options are available in your NHC accounts. However, any autopay settings you have in your chapter account are not automatically transferred to your NHC account. These settings will need to be updated separately in your NHC account as well.

Are chapter and NHC OmegaFi account numbers different?
Yes! Please note that your chapter and NHC account numbers in Exclusively Xi are different and are listed on your monthly statements. When making an electronic payment, please confirm that the account number on the statement you are trying to pay matches the account number you are logged into. If paying by check, please include the account number for which you are paying.

To cover the costs of housing operations, the NHC bills collegiate members the following housing-related fees:

  • Room and board: Members who live in a chapter facility pay a room and board fee that provides them access to a sleeping room, facility common spaces, chapter meals (if applicable), and any onsite services provided such as routine cleaning.

  • Live-out fees: Members who do not live in a chapter facility pay a live-out fee that provides access to the facility’s common areas, chapter meals (if applicable), and/or any cost of maintaining a storage unit for the chapter (if applicable). Please note that this charge was formerly called parlor fees.

  • Operational fees: Members of chapters without a live-in option pay an operational fee that supports the ongoing maintenance of common areas such as lodges, suites, and/or storage units. Please note that this charge was formerly called parlor fees and live-out fees.

  • New Member NHC Management Fee: All new members pay a one-time facility fee to support the ongoing NHC management of the chapter facility and/or provide funds for future chapter housing initiatives. New members of chapters without a facility or storage unit are still charged a small, one-time facility fee for NHC assistance in facility rentals, support on campus as it pertains to housing opportunities or changes, and the management of reserves for future housing needs. Please note that this charge was formerly called facility fees.

  • Non-refundable Housing Deposits: Members who live in a chapter facility pay a non-refundable housing deposit at the time an annual or semester live-in agreement is signed. This deposit is applied to the member’s final room and board bill at the end of the year or semester and is already factored into the payment amount stated in the agreement.

  • Accounting Fees: All members are charged an accounting fee for the administrative costs of financial transaction processing and member contract management. The accounting fee is calculated individually as a percentage of total housing fees billed in each cycle.

  • Other Fees: Other housing-related fees may include parking and AC unit rentals depending on the chapter.

The NHC also bills the chapter an empty bed fee if a chapter facility is not full for the academic year and/or semester. This is in accordance with the Alpha Xi Delta Policies & Procedures document. Empty bed fees help cover fixed facility expenses that do not change based on the number of members living in the house. Some chapters include an empty bed fee as part of member dues if they owe this fee to the NHC. The NHC and chapter officers work hard to fill our chapter facilities each year to avoid these fees. If you have the opportunity to live in a chapter facility, we encourage you to take advantage of that unique and wonderful experience!