Social Wellbeing

Building Your Personal Professional Circle

Networking after college or after moving to a new city can be crucial for career growth and personal development. Here are some suggestions to get you started!

The Challenge: 

Do one of the 7 suggestions below to help grow your personal or professional circle.

First off, to those who have recently graduated “congratulations!” on your amazing achievements over the last 4(ish for those doing post-grad work) years!! I hope these tips help you as you transition from academia to the professional world. If you haven’t recently graduated, but maybe moved to a new city or are just looking for new ways to build your personal network, I hope you find these suggestions helpful! Building a network in your city can open up various opportunities for job prospects, mentorship, and personal growth.

1. Leverage Alumnae Networks
We highly encourage you to tap into your college alumni networks. These networks often have established connections in various industries and can provide valuable insights and introductions.

  • Did you know Alpha Xi Delta has alumnae associations? Click here to find the association closest to you!
  • Suggestions: Attend university/college alumni events, join alumni associations, join the alumni association board, and connect with alumni on professional networking platforms like LinkedIn.
  • Alpha Xi Delta also has a members-only LinkedIn group, “Alpha Xi Delta Network” to help you build professional relationships.

2. Engage in Industry Events and Meetups

  • Are there any local industry-specific events, conferences, and meetups relevant to your field of interest that you can participate in?
  • Suggestions: actively participate in discussions, ask questions, and exchange contact information with professionals you meet.

3. Utilize Professional Networking Platforms

  • Make sure you are maintaining and updating your LinkedIn profile, especially if you are looking for a new career!
  • Some tips on optimizing your LinkedIn profile: add a professional photo, craft a compelling summary, and showcase your skills and experiences.
  • Graduates, look to connect with professionals in your city and personalize your connection requests with a brief introduction.
  • Check out the Alpha Xi Delta Network group on LinkedIn to see who you can connect with!
  • If you are already with a company, what employee programs or groups do they offer? If they don’t, can you start one with your co-workers?

4. Volunteer and Join Community Organizations

  • Look into volunteering for local organizations or charities aligned with your interests or career goals.
  • Volunteer work not only allows you to give back to your community but also provides opportunities to meet like-minded individuals and expand your network.
  • There are a lot of different meet-up groups out there that organize different events for you to participate in, such as beach clean-up day, working at a local food bank or volunteering at the local animal shelter. Check out what's available in your area!

5. Attend Workshops and Seminars

  • Attend workshops, seminars, and professional development events offered by local businesses, libraries, or community centers.
  • These events not only offer valuable learning opportunities but also provide a platform to network with professionals from diverse backgrounds.

6. Seek Mentorship Opportunities

  • Highly encourage the recent graduates to seek mentorship from experienced professionals in your city. Or if you are just looking for a career change!
  • Try contacting professionals you admire and express your interest in learning from their experiences.
  • It's important to nurture these mentor-mentee relationships with regular communication and gratitude.

7. Check out community sports or activity groups

  • What do you have a passion for? Were you active in any sports or extracurricular in college or your last location? Find out if there are any local groups you can participate in.
  • Join a softball team or knitting club, take swing dance lessons. Broaden your horizons and try something new that takes you out of your comfort zone!
  • It's important to network not only to help in building a successful career but to help you get settled into a new city or location. Or just if you want to meet new people and make friends. We encourage you to step out of your comfort zone, be proactive, and seize every opportunity to expand your circle in your city. Wishing the recent graduates success in your next adventure in life, and remember that with persistence and dedication, you can build a strong and supportive personal and professional circle. Good luck! 

    Let's Get Together:

    Make it a group effort! Get a group of Sisters together and attend an alumnae event, community workshop, or intramurals team.

    Fill out my online form.