Understanding and Acceptance

Sisters promote understanding and acceptance of autism in various ways, including placing advertisements in campus and local newspapers, distributing information in the community and appearing on local television programs to educate others about autism spectrum disorders.

World Autism Month

Each April Alpha Xi Deltas nationwide celebrate World Autism Month (WAM) by Lighting It Up Blue, hosting fundraisers, wearing blue and taking part in autism-related activities based on Autism Speaks' Focus Mission Points:

  • Understanding & Acceptance
  • Family Services
  • Advocacy
  • Research 

Light It Up Blue is an initiative started by Autism Speaks in 2009 to help shine a light on autism by illuminating prestigious buildings and monuments throughout the world. Many of the world’s most recognized monuments have been lit blue, including the Empire State Building, the Sydney Opera House in Australia, Christ the Redeemer Statue in Brazil and Niagara Falls.

World Autism Awareness Day

Established by the United Nations, this is one of only a handful of world-recognized days devoted to medical diseases or disorders. Alpha Xi Delta chapters and alumnae associations proudly observe World Autism Awareness Day on April 2.

In previous years on World Autism Awareness Day, Alpha Xi Delta represented Autism Speaks on the Today Show in New York City, attended the United Nations’ Decade of Autism reception and joined families affected by autism at the New York Stock Exchange as representatives from Autism Speaks rang the opening bell in honor of World Autism Awareness Day.


During the month of April, chapters and alumnae associations partner with businesses and organizations in their communities through various fundraising events. Each dollar raised by Alpha Xi Deltas for Autism Speaks helps to fund initiatives that:

  • Increase global understanding and acceptance of autism;
  • Advance breakthroughs in autism research;
  • Expand early childhood screening and intervention;
  • Create critical resources to assist individuals with autism transition to adulthood;
  • Ensure access to reliable information across the lifespan for individuals with autism, their families and support networks.
Join our efforts to share the love within your own community by participating or attending one of our chapter or alumnae association's World Autism Month events!