New Inspire Manual Highlights
Since 2017, Alpha Xi Deltas have been inspired to realize their potential by participating in the Inspire member development program. The Inspire program has helped undergraduate members build leadership skills, identify ways to pour into themselves and their communities, gain confidence in their academic and professional careers, and create connections with our history and Sisterhood.
The lessons shared through the Inspire Manual have had immense impacts on our organization, and yet with the passing of time, was ready for a refresh. As the new academic year is upon us, we are excited to announce the release of the newest edition of the Inspire Manual.

We are excited to share three of the newest features of the new edition:
1. New, updated, and more engaging programs. This new manual features several new programs designed to better meet the needs of collegiate members. Here are just a few of the newest programs to get you excited:
- Yes, And Leadership, Leadership section
- Feeling the Burn(out), Wellbeing section
- New Perspectives: Dimensions of Diversity, Wellbeing section
- Level Up Your Learning, Crossroads section
- Into Living Reality, Sisterhood section
2. New resources to allow members to continue learning and having thoughtful and impactful conversations post-programming.
- At the end of each program are linked resources that direct facilitators and learners to outside resources. These resources not only helped create the foundations of the programs but can also be shared with members and used to facilitate additional dialogue post-programming.
- This newest edition features a variety of resources to help facilitators prepare from a How to Choose Your Program reflection, to a Getting Started Checklist, and even a Campus Resource Guide to be shared with chapter members at the end of each program.
3. New tools to help chapters and facilitators intentionally plan for Inspire, pick programs, and share important information campus and community based resources with all chapter members.
- New tools are included in the introductory pages of the Inspire manual including a Getting Started Checklist, a Selecting Your Program Guide, and a Campus Resource Guide.
Like previous editions, the new Inspire Manual features programs targeted at developing members in four main categories: Leadership, Wellbeing, Crossroads, and Sisterhood. Each category houses a variety of programs designed to be facilitated by collegiate members in your chapter. Programs include a facilitator guide, learning outcomes, supplies list, and ideal room set-up.
The completion of Inspire programs are required for the Double Blue and Gold Standard. Each chapter is required to complete two Inspire programs per semester and must complete one Inspire program from each category over the course of each academic year. The adaptation of the new edition of Inspire by chapters begins on September 1, 2024.