Endow a Scholarship

The minimum balance to fully establish an endowment fund is $25,000. To achieve this level of funding, the donor must commit to completing total donations (personally or through gifts from other donors) within five years. The donor is responsible for all fundraising activities necessary to benefit the endowed fund (with approval from Alpha Xi Delta Foundation), while the Foundation assumes all administrative burdens associated with accepting and acknowledging tax-deductible gifts.
The donor works closely with the Foundation to develop a set of criteria for the endowment fund. Well-constructed criteria allow the wishes of a donor to be acknowledged. Furthermore, strong yet flexible criteria allow Alpha Xi Delta Foundation to remain a good steward of endowment funding in light of changes in federal and state regulations for nonprofits that may occur from time to time. A staff liaison will work with the donor to prepare a written gift agreement that clearly outlines the purpose of the newly established fund and affirms Alpha Xi Delta Foundation’s commitment to honoring the donor’s wishes for the fund.